We have finally written our own score for witness which can be listened to below accompanying our new logo for ManFlick Productions.
Progress on my Media Studies Coursework ManFlick Productions
Dear Sir/Madam
We are writing to you to ask you permission to conduct some filming for an AS Media Studies project on your land. Following a conversation with your site team we have provisional permission to do so but we have been advised to make a formal request to carry out this task.
We are making a 2 minute opening sequence to a film which involves a driving sequence. The sequence has been fully choreographed on our story boards and both our drivers have valid UK driving licenses. We plan to drive along the road which follows the lake to the boathouse and film two cars from different points on the road. We have discussed in great detail the correct procedures the drivers will follow and all road regulations such as speed limits etc. on your land will be followed. We have also discussed health and safety with our Media Studies teacher.
We don’t expect to take up a lot of time in doing this and we will follow any requests you may have for us. If you wish to know any more about our project we can show you the full planning of production which is available at the following link
We have discussed this issue with an Assistant Headteacher at school and he has seen this letter. He is happy to make direct contact with you to discuss our intentions if that is desirable. His name is Mr Titheridge and he is contactable at the school on 01753 716060 ext 234.
We would greatly appreciate your co-operation with our project but will fully understand if you cannot grant us this.
Many Thanks
Oliver Clubb
Jack Parfitt
Joe Sullivan
Today was meant to be the final day of production involving the filming of the stationary and interior shots of the car chase. Unfortunately we hit a problem. The land we were filming on for the car chase was private land (the rowing lake) owned by Eton college. During filming a man in a land rover came up to us from the college site team. After a quick conversation we were told that they were happy for us to film at the rowing lake provided we brought a letter detailing exactly what we were going to be doing and one they were happy with, so we contacted our media teacher and wrote out a draft letter as seen below. Its not a big problem as they are happy for us to film there but it does mean we need to add yet another day to production.
Luckily there is enough for us to be getting on with whilst the college decide if our letter is good enough.
Also more retakes needed today. It would appear the shots we decided to add in were not useble because unbeknownst to ManFlick, we were at the wrong location...
We headed back to stag meadow and re did the shots where the body is taken out of the boot by the killer. This posed a problem though; we had found time in the day to do this, early in the morning, but because of the time of day no matter where we put our tripod, shadows would always appear but lukcily we were able to find time to come back and continue shooting. All in all another good day of shooting with extra footage to go in our production diary at the end.
Today we started the car chase, we plan to do two separate shoots, one using a 3rd production car and another shoot on a separate day where we will get stationary shots from the side of the road.
Today’s shoot involved the 3rd production car. For the shots of the car I stood out the top of the sunroof with a tripod and filmed the cars driving up and down our road.
For the lower down shots we utilised the gorilla pod, a bendy mouldable tripod which can be attached to many surfaces. We opened the boot and attached it with the camera to the base of the open boot. We sat in the back seat, belted up, and leant over the back to get the shots we needed.
It was a very successful day and now we can’t wait for the next day of production.
This is the 1st of 2 ManFlick podcast's containing updates of how filming is coming along. In this one we discuss where we are currently at with production and talk through the process of how we got there. It includes our studies of film opening conventions, market research and the first bits of production we have done.
The day of retakes
We decided to put in some new footage of sam dragging the actual body out of the car, we hope this will add a bit more sense to the narrative of the piece.
We also did some retakes of when the killer and the photographer actually see each other. This extra shoot does mean that we are now one day behind schedule and will need to an an extra day to the original 4 we had planned.
Here is a slideshow of the days events in Photo's, it was created on iPhoto '09
Today's production involved the foot chase scene at Stag Meadow as well as the start of the car chase. We filmed all of the foot chase and we also did a hefty amount of production diaries to
to show the progress we have got so far.
It was a good day of production which went really well and was heavily aided by our storyboards which made the whole process a lot easier. Hopefully there wont be any retakes to do as we have made a very rough draft of our film. We are currently using music from the Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater soundtrack of the 2005 Playstation 2 game of the same name. In the actual final draft we plan to write our own score but we felt some form of music was needed to accompany the rough draft.