Friday 6 November 2009

Apple's can spark off good ideas

We have decided on the basic premise of ManFlick 4 (Working title). Our A2 coursework will be a short film of roughly 5 minutes about an Apple that saves a man’s life through chance, luck and random occurrences.

An Apple in a supermarket is bought by a lady who proceeds through town after her shopping trip. After traveling through town she is makes her way across a bridge. Two school children from the opposite side of the bridge are playing around and run across the Bridge, one of them knocks into the woman and this causes the apple to fall out of her bag and off the bridge.

At this moment a woman on a bike rides underneath the bridge and the Apple handily lands inside her basket.

The cyclist rides up the main street and after a while realises the Apple is in her basket, confused, she takes it out and throws it onto a nearby bench.

A child and parent also walking along the street happen to go past the apple.

The child picks up the apple and decided to draw a smiley face on the apple. The parent sees this and tells the child to throw the apple away.

The child then leaves the apple on another bench.

That night the apple stays on the bench and in the early hours of the morning three men who have just been out on the town come across the apple. Drunk and rowdy one of them sees the apple and finds it hilarious due to the smiley face. He then asks his companions if he can have his photo taken with the apple. After this event takes place the trio move on.

The next morning a jogger running near the bench stops and sits down so that

they can tie their shoes. They notice the apple and decide to take it with them on the run, eventually throwing it down a staircase.

The apple bounces down the stairs and eventually rolls towards a dog walker and their dog. The dog mistakes it for a tennis ball and runs at the apple, picking it up and running off. The dog walker catches up with their dog and rips the apple out of the dogs mouth and throws it.

A drunken tramp then sees this and decides to go after it. The tramp then walks in along the road before taking another swig of whiskey and in the act of passing out throws it further down the street.

A fruit vendor coming out of an establishment sees the apple and assumes it is part of his shipment and must have fallen out. The fruit vendor place it with the rest of his apples and goes off to deliver his next shipment at a train station. On his way to the entrance he falls over accidently throwing out the box. It lands on the road.

During this occurrence, a business man is coming off a train. In a rush and not looking where he is going he head’s out into the road towards oncoming traffic. It is as this moment the apple saves his life as just before he steps into the road he steps in the apple, and stops walking. Because he stepped on the apple and did not carry on walking he did not walk into the path of the car and therefore was not hit by it; in short all the people in the film contributed the to the prevention of this mans death, and the apple was the tool used to carry out this act of luck. Or random anomalies, which ever way you seem to see it.

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